Portable Document Format files are usually judged by the way they appear to our eyes. This is an absolute shame since creating a well-crafted PDFs can possibly be done but then some create horrible PDF files as well. Both will look superficially identical on the screen when you view them but this article will provide you an insight into how to differentiate between the good and the bad PDF.
If you search over the net, you will be able to find many awfully created PDF files so here you will get to know which is good, bad and the ugly. Most of the people judge PDF files on their superficial appearance, which is because such files are designed only for reading and printing purposes. The portable document format lets you insert almost anything into a file such as text, vector graphics, images, etc.
PDF File Converter that can help in extracting and editing content in such files can really be quite helpful. Anything that you put into such a file can drastically alter the flexibility of the file. A few of the files contain nothing but images or pictures. Even if it feels that they contain shapes and text, yet that is just bit-mapped images within a PDF. They might look as 'Ok' but search in such files cannot be done, unless you make use of OCR tool for extraction of text content.
They as well are large in size and do not scale well. If you try to zoom into the content, the results would give pixelated display. Apart from this, they consume a lot of memory, which can hamper other functions of your system. Try pressing 'Ctrl+A' to spot such files since after zooming-in the content will give pixelated view. If none of the text can be selected then it means that it is an image rather than text.
Although there are some files where text is converted into shapes but the presence of such files is really less. Similar trouble comes up every now and then, which is the file size becomes large and text is non-searchable. To get the text out of such a file you would need using Optical Character Recognition program.
One of the main troubles that people come across with PDF file is that how they should extract the text. There are many complaints stating the same thing that it is hard to get formatted text from a file that can be edited. The reason behind this is that the format had been designed as an end-file display format which did not include any document structure.
Source : www.articlesbase.com/software-articles/what-are-you-putting-in-your-pdf-files-5099910.html
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